Showing posts with label aloe vera. Show all posts
Showing posts with label aloe vera. Show all posts

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Top 5 Best Indoor Plants for your Bedroom

Should we keep plants inside our bedrooms?

Our body requires at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every day and if we miss that out, our energy level remains down and we are less productive & energized the next day. Stress and workload also play a major role in increasing insomnia issues

We try to focus on eating the right foods, buying an extra cosy mattress, and head massage for better quality sleep, however, very few people think about bringing plants inside our bedrooms that can help us get relive from a lot of anxieties & stress. 

Giving them space inside the bedroom makes not only the decor looks cool and pretty but also helps in boosting energy as they remove antioxidants from the air and fill your bedroom with fresh oxygen.

Let's quickly check out a few plants that provide Oxygen to us in the night. All of them would be easily available from the nearby nurseries. Bring them and feel the change in just 1 week: 

1) Lavender Plant

It will look nice in your room and fill the air with a calming scent. It's Latin and the Scientific name is Lavandula. Your kids, spouse, and all of your family members will love its smell. It likes warmth and indirect sunlight, so ensure to place it on a sunny window sill. In summers, water it and keep the soil moist. In Winters, water only when soil becomes dry.


It has a life of 15 years and can manage to be healthy if you care it just a little bit. The light from standard Fluorescent Tubes for at least 5 to 6 hours a day would be sufficient enough for its healthy growth.

Lavender 2

The best thing about Lavender Plant is that it grows easily from cuttings. Just break off a healthy stem, trim most of the leaves off, and put in clean water.  After a few days when the roots start generatingpot up in the soil and you will get a fresh new Lavender plant for your another room.

2) Jasmine:

These pretty ivory/white flowers have a similar effect like Lavender Plant. The gentle and soothing scent of Jasmine helps reduce anxiety levels, giving you a better quality night's sleep. It flowers all year to brighten your home. They give off a sweet scent that is often used in its essential oils made particularly for relaxation. Jasmine Plants require bright indirect light throughout the year.


Place it on the window sill where Sun's indirect light comes. If it can't be possible, then choose the place where it can get Fluorescent Tube light for at least 5 to 6 hours a day. Do water it regularly during flowering periods.

The best thing about the Jasmine plant is that you can grow it from its cuttings. In the Spring season, break off the healthy Stem and keep it in clean water till it generates roots. Then poke into a damp soil pot, and you will get a fresh new Jasmine Plant propagated for another room.

3) Aloe Vera:

This plant is a very powerful plant that has a ton of positive effects. When you peel off its leaf, you'll find a gel that can be used in a variety of ways. It can naturally treat sunburn, frostbite, dry skin, cold sores, itching, along with other skin conditions. In South India, one can get an Aloe Vera Juice which is loaded with antioxidants and helps digestion and strengthen your immune system.

Aloe Vera

It is one of the most beneficial plants for a multitude of problems, it's been used for medicinal purposes from ancient times. It is hardy to adverse weather conditions and suits to grow in bright light and deserts. It is effective in cleaning Benzene and Formaldehyde from the air.

It also helps in sleep quality in night. It produces oxygen at night to give you a calm, restful sleep. Caring for an aloe vera plant is simple because it doesn't require much care and watering. Do keep it in a spot in your bedroom that has a lot of direct sunlight or in the light of Fluorescent Tubes Light for at least 5 to 6 hours a day.

The best thing about the Aloe Vera plant is its baby plants grow automatically from the roots which you can later separate them once they are little mature and plant them in a separate pot to make a new Aleo Vera Plant for another room.

Its growing habits:

Light – Shade, bright light
Watering – Less frequent
Temperature – 15 to 45 degree Celsius
Common names – Aloe, aloe vera, ghritkumari
Botanical name – Aloe barbadensis mill

4) Snake Plant:

It's also known as the "Mother-in-Law's Tongue" plant. It is an all-natural Air Purifier plant. This plant emits oxygen at night time, which helps to improve the quality of indoor air so you can get the best sleep in night. The coolest thing about this plant is that it also acts as a filter.  
It removes harsh chemicals and toxins like Xylene, Trichloroethylene, Toluene, Formaldehyde, and Benzene from the air so you can worry less about breathing that in. It's a low-maintenance plant to keep around in every bedroom in your house for better sleep.


The snake plant is tough to kill. It can last for a month without watering it. The leaves are typically tall, stiff, vertical, and look like a snake-tongue at the end of the leaf due to which it got its nickname "snake plant."

It is one of the hardiest and a perfect indoor plant which does not require brighter sunlight as well as frequent watering.

Snake Plant

The best thing about Snake Plant is you can grow from its leaf cutting. If you divide one long leaf into three parts, you can grow them in order of cut (cut part should go into the soil) and can have three new plants from it within a few weeks. Moreover, it grows baby plants itself from its roots.  Bring this plant once in your home and add it to all your rooms. It will only be a one time buy.

Its growing habits:

Location – Indoors
Light – Shade, artificial light
Watering – Less frequent
Temperature – 5 to 45 degree Celsius
Common names – Mother in laws tongue, snake plant
Botanical name – Sansevieria laurentii

5) Money Plant:

As per Vastu experts, plants in our day-to-day lives activate positive energy. Planting money plant inside the house is recommended by Vastu as it brings good luck and prosperity. This plant should be kept in the South-East direction of the living room or hall. In Vastu, South-East direction owner is Lord Ganesha and planet that rule is Venus.

Money Plant

Money plant is one of the hardiest plants which do well in most of the indoor environmental conditions. It is effective in cleaning Benzene, Formaldehyde, Trichloroethylene, Xylene and Toluene from the air. Water the plant once every 7 to 10 days during summer and every 15 to 20 days in winters.

The best thing about Money Plant is you can grow another Money Plant from its Stems. Cut the Healthy Stem and put it inside the Glass Bottle having clean water and keep it in a place where a good amount of indirect sunlight or light from Fluorescent Tube should fall on it for at least 5 to 6 hours a day.

Its growing habits:

Location – Indoors
Light – Shade, artificial light
Watering – Less frequent
Temperature – 15 to 45 degree celsius
Common names – Golden pothos, hunter’s robe, ivy arum, money plant, silver vine, islands ivy, devils ivy
Botanical name – Epipremnum aureum

The right indoor houseplant can add beauty, zen decor and improve your in-house air up to 75%. So there is no need to worry if you haven’t grown anything before, all the above-mentioned plants are best for indoors and giving them space in your bedroom is the best way to breathe healthy air.

Mostly all of the above plants are suitable for beginners and hardly requires any care. Pick one, and as your confidence grows, you can start adding all the above plants to your home.

I hope you liked this post and would take a stand to bring all of the above useful plants inside your home for the benefit of your family. Thank you so much for reading my blog.

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